2008 BG
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Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time
Manufacturing of Fire Fighting Equipments including, but not limited to, Nude Fire Extinguishers with Polycarbonate, Engineering Plastics and also other Fire Fighting Facilities, such as Spinklers in Plastic with MC900 Nylon and so much other items with Engineering Plastics
누드 소화기를 폴리 카보네이트 플라스틱으로 만들고 이를 특허 내여 전세계의 소화기를 플라스틱으로 개조할려는 대한 소방 공사 대표 짐승 김 성수의 불로그
EP(Engineering Plastic)는 소비 및 응용분야에 따라 일반 및 특수 EP로 구분되며, 일반 EP는 주로 Nylon(Polyamine: PA), PC(Polycarbonate), POM(Polyformaldehyde), PBT(Poly-butylene Terephthalate), Polyester 및 mPPO(Modified Polyphenylene Oxide) 등 5개 카테고리로 분류된다.
5대 범용 EP Polyamide(N6,N66) Polyacetal(POM) Polycarbonate(PC) Poly butylenetereph -thalate(PBT) Modified Polyphenylene -Ether(MPPO) 특수 EP Polysulfone(PSF) Polyether sulfone(PES) Polyarylate(PAR) Polyphenylene sulfine ...
누드(nude)는 영어의 알몸(naked)와는 구별된다. 알몸이란 단순히 옷을 벗은 상태를 의미하지만 누드는 이미 예술의 형태로 자리 잡은 지 오래되었다.
At last some guy made nude room with polycarbonate window and walls for the purpose of out-door uses, transportable on the trailor to move to the other site!!!
Direct Blow Mould Expert, Engineers for Blow Molding(Not Injection Molding)
(Plastics industry)
Currently holds this position
Zephyr has 3 recommendations (1 report, 2 partners) including:
Zephyr Archangel, 미풍 대천사 (Sole Proprietorship)
(Sole Proprietorship; Myself Only; Angel; Public Safety industry)
June 1950 – Present (57 years 7 months)
Success Kim Zephyr Archangel
Success Kim Zephyr Archangel
Owner, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, 대한 소방 공사
* Overseas Public Relationer at 88 Seoul Olympic Games Organizing Committee
* Korea University
* http://www.linkedin.com/in/naked
Polycarbonate Cylinder*™*(PCpc)
Polycarbonate Cylinder*TM* for Pressure-Containers can be used for Fire Extinguishers, Aerosol Sprays for insect killers, Soap Foam Containers for Shaving, Hair Sprays or Topics and also for Spray(Aerosol) Types of Fire Extinguishers;
Zephyr has 8 recommendations (3 co-workers, 1 client, 4 partners) including:
(Plastics industry)
2002 – 2007 (5 years)
Zephyr has 1 recommendation (1 partner) including:
(Plastics industry)
2002 – 2007 (5 years)
Zephyr has 1 recommendation (1 partner) including:
(Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; Star; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry)
April 1978 – August 1980 (2 years 5 months)
License Agreements with Westinghouse and other Heavy Electric Companies, such as Hitachi, KSB in Germany, Fuji, for Power Transformers(154KV and 345KV) and Foreign Fund Inducement Agreements from Montreal Bank of Canada, to establish heavy trasnformer factory in ChangWon
Also worked for government approval for these technical license agreements and fund agreements as Public Relation Officer
효성 중공업 기획실 기술 도입 및 차관 도입 담당 그리고 대 정부 로비 담당 대리로 근무하다 특허 기술 관리 고장으로 퇴직함
Zephyr has 1 recommendation (1 partner) including:
Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time Nude Zephyr Archangel Naked Korea Fire Fighting Corporation extinguisher 충약 소화기 대한 소방 공사 누드 투명 nud transparent see-through Polycarbonate polymer Engineering Plastic PC EP 폴리카보네이트